Security Patches

On Tuesday, both Adobe and Microsoft released critical security updates.
Your Mac Guy recommends that all users install them. Here’s how.
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How do I add é and à (diacritical marks)?

MR from Cambridge asks:
I’m tired of having to switch from US to French keyboard layouts just to type a couple letters with accent marks.
Isn’t there an easier way?

Yes, there is.

á é í ó ú are made by typing option-e then the vowel

ä ë ï ö ü are made by typing option-u then the vowel

â ê î ô û are made by typing option-i then the vowel

à è ì ò ù are made by typing option-` (above the tab key) then the vowel

In System Preferences -> Keyboard, turn on "Show Keyboard & Character Viewer in menu bar," then bring up the keyboard viewer (upper right in menu bar). Hold the option key. Any key that turns yellow on the keyboard viewer is an accent key, meaning if you press opt-that key, the next character pressed will get that accent.

For fun:
Option-Shift-K will type 

Renew MobileMe? (Updated)

RG from Chestnut Hill asks:
My MobileMe account is about to expire. Do I need to renew it?

No, you don’t.
The rumor mill is suggesting that big changes are coming to MobileMe, including the possibility that it may once again be free of charge. So I would hold off, unless it is critical to you.

At the World Wide Developer Conference on Monday, Steve Jobs announced that MobileMe is going away, to be replaced by a (mostly) free service called
iCloud, coming this Fall. Apple has extended all active MobileMe accounts until June 30, 2012, for free, and no longer offers MobileMe for sale.
There are many questions to be answered, and details to be revealed about the new service, and the transition to it.